Whether you prefer at-home remedies or professional ones, and whether your symptoms are small or severe, here are some ways you can help alleviate the side effects of menopause.

Physical Solutions

Hot flashes are one of the most popular symptoms associated with menopause. One way you can help manage them is by keeping track in a diary. After a few entries you may notice a pattern or particular trigger, so you will be able to avoid behaviors, or be prepared when the next one comes. Some other tips are to keep a cool pack under your pillow at night, and use cooler clothing and bedding with natural fibers that breathe.

Yoga, Tai Chi, massage, exercise, acupuncture, and meditation are good ways to relieve stress, promote better sleep, and help with circulation and flexibility. If you experience vaginal dryness and sensitivity you can use over the counter moisturizers and lubricants. Look for ones that are water based and ask your gynecologist or physician for recommendations. You may experience acne as your hormone levels fluctuate, so look for cosmetics that are safe for sensitive skin and are marked as “noncomodogenic” or “nonacnegenic”.

Dietary Solutions

The choices you make for your diet and nutrition are crucial during menopause. You should consume foods and drinks that are rich in calcium and vitamin-D. Fruits, veggies, protein, and dairy are all good food groups to incorporate into your diet. Avoid foods with caffeine, alcohol, hot spices, refined sugar, and processed foods. You should drink plenty of water and avoid skipping meals.

Certain herbs can be beneficial as well. Black cohosh, ginseng, and St John’s wort are just a few examples that can be effective in helping alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause. As with any dietary change, you should consult your doctor because some herbs will react with medications and should not be taken by those with specific medical concerns.

Professional Solutions

For those who are struggling to find balance and enjoy life during menopause, hormone therapy in Austin, TX, may be a good choice. This can help address more serious issues and provide some much needed relief.

While menopause is a natural part of life, you are not, and do not, have to go through it alone. Having a close friend, spouse, support group, mentor, pastor, or counselor to talk to can help with the emotions that will come up. Whether you take up a new hobby, call a friend, change your diet, or participate in hormone therapy in Austin, TX, there are many ways you can not just survive menopause, but thrive.

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