Reduce Your Risk: Lung Cancer Prevention


Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death across countries. In its early stages, signs may not be detected. But, as it progresses, symptoms like weight loss, chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood may manifest. There are a few ways on how you can reduce the risks of the disease developing in your body. Continue reading to learn more about these.

Abstain from Smoking

In a lung cancer CME (continuing medical education), professionals learn that the use of tobacco products is the main source of the disease. When inhaled through combustion, the harmful chemicals that cigarettes contain damage healthy lung cells, causing them to act abnormally.

Staying away from smoking can significantly reduce your risk of developing the illness. If you stop, the damaged tissues in your lungs will gradually repair themselves. You can consult your doctor for the best and easiest ways to quit. Or, reach out to the American Lung Association and ask about their online program called “Freedom from Smoking.”

Test Your Home for Radon Presence

Radon is next to cigarette smoking as a leading cause of lung cancer. It’s a radioactive gas that can’t be seen, smelled, or tasted, making everyone susceptible to exposure. It forms naturally from the decay of elements found in the soil. These include radium, thorium, and uranium.

If you live in a place where radon is a known problem, you can reduce your exposure by having your house assessed. Contact your local health department or the American Lung Association for help and more information about the testing.

Avoid Secondhand Smoke

Even if you’re not a smoker, you still have chances of developing lung cancer if you’re inhaling secondhand smoke. According to the American Cancer Society, it’s more toxic because it has a higher concentration of carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).

To prevent exposure to secondhand smoke, it’s best to avoid places where the activity is common. Take the initiative to find hotels, restaurants, and other facilities and establishments that are smoke-free. If you have friends or family members who have that habit, encourage them to stop or at least forbid them from doing it in your car or home.

Keep a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables is linked to a lower risk of developing lung cancer. One study found that the intake of flavonoids, which are abundant in apples, can decrease the chances of any smoking-related disease. Now, that’s proof that adding an apple to your meals can keep the doctors away.

Another food item is broccoli. Compounds like glucosinolates found in the vegetable are said to decrease overall risks by 21% to 32%. If you’re not into this, alternatives include radish, cabbage, turnips, and cauliflower.

As of today, there’s still no definite cure to the condition. Doctors are continuously taking up a series of classes and webinars through lung cancer CE, seeking medical breakthroughs. Remember that prevention is always better than a solution. Develop a healthy lifestyle by keeping these tips in mind.

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